Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Cream Colour Saree

Almost cream colour dresses or sarees gives good look to all colours of skin, so most people gives first preference to the cream colour sarees to all traditional functions, the work has to done to cream colour sarees, entire work means the saree entirely to do this work then the saree looks so beautiful.

This design gives good look to cream and orange colour sarees or dresses, we can do thread work on this saree as brick stitch, then the design looks thick and shiny, first the leaves has to stitch in dark green colour rayon embroidery thread, as brick stitch, then the stem has to stitch in dark green colour rayon embroidery thread as stem stitch, then the flowers has to stitch in rayon embroidery thread, i.e., maroon colour thread looks attractive to this cream and orange colour, after the work done entirely on the saree or dress, looks very beautiful and attractive.

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