Tuesday 29 November 2011

Blossoms Designs

This design looks very beautiful on especially dresses,  and sarees, this is the latest design, this design we can do work on all fabrics, this design we can do thread work, material work or both combined material and thread work.  

This design with thread work is, the flowers stitch with mercerized embroidery thread, this flowers we can stitch brick stitch or kashmir stitch and the curves stitch with stem stitch or kashmir stitch, the stars stitch with stem stitch looks simply.

The second one is with only material is the flowers stitch with kundans or beats, the curves and stems stitch with chips or small white kundans, the stars stitch with small white kundans, the last is with both material and thread work is the flowers stitch with rayon embroidery thread or kundhans or chips, then the stars stitch with multicolored chips or small white kundans, the stems and curves stitch with rayon embroidery thread or chips. 

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